We hear it every time we install a pool fence in Puerto Rico. "That looks so much better than I thought it would". This says a lot about the customers that Pool Guard of Puerto Rico has. They are impressed with the product and they are impressed with the installation. We take a great deal of pride in doing a superior job before, during and after the process" states the sales representative in Puerto Rico. Not all pool fence is built the same and certainly not all companies respond to the needs the customers in the same way. Contact Pool Guard of
Pool fence comes in different colors When looking for pool fence, ask to see the various colors not just what the person has available .The most common colors in Puerto Rico are Beige, Brown and sometimes a combination of the two. While all black fence tends to be popular in the United States, here in Puerto Rico the housing color and size of the yard plays a role in the tendency to use a lighter color. Some may argue that is shows dirt easier however with the UV coating that the Pool Guard fence has, cleaning is as simple as a hose and broom for a light cleansing. The darker colors tend to make an area look smaller (interior and exterior designers will tell you the same about house paint especially when painting a small room, a light color will make the area feel bigger). Take a moment to contact Pool Guard of Puerto Rico today for your free in home estimate to make your pool safe for kids.
A new pool at your home is exciting. As you gaze out to look at your backyard you can almost see the cook outs, the birthday parties and even actually swimming. The segment that is most often overlooked is the safety factor of owning a pool. Many people will tell you that they have a fence around their property so that will keep the kids out. The real issue is not keeping those kids out but preventing an accident with the kids that actually live in the house with the pool. There are several ways to protect the children. The most common is to have a pool safety fence professionally installed. Pool Guard of Puerto Rico has factory trained installers so that they can accommodate your back yard with a pool safety fence no matter how big or small the yard is. Contact Pool Guard today for you free estimate.
Pool safety nets present a great option for securing your pool for a property where there is a great view and you do not want the obstruction (even the slightest) due to a pool safety fence. A recent client of Pool Guard of Puerto Rico fits this description to a proverbial "T". The house is up in the mountains with a view of three other towns around it and the owner did not want to obstruct the view in any way shape or form. He elected to have a pool safety net installed as all of his kids have had swimming lessons but his concern was for the children that come to the house and visit. He has four kids,one can only imagine how many kids are at this house in a given weekend especially during the holidays.
It's no secret that Puerto Rico has the longest holiday season in the world. This holiday season brings about several new situations that are presented to people that own homes. The first is that there are an abundance of holiday parties. This increase in traffic means that people will be in the back yards and possibly bring their kids with them to the events. If you have a pool and you do not have a pool safety fence or pool safety net or pool safety cover, then you should consider the implementation of one of these products because accidents can happen when nobody is paying attention to the children. There will be food and of course drinks. The drinking of alchohol tends to cause people to relax their attention level and response time. It only takes a minute for an accident to happen with a pool involved. Pool safety fence is the number one product for pool safety. Layers of protection are advised when it comes to pool safety. A good example would be to have door alarms, window alarms and even a pool alarm. Certainly having all of these would be too much but we invite you to pick the products that best work for your house and family but for certain have at least a pool safety fence in place so you can truly enjoy your holidays.
Every year in Puerto Rico there are at least 5-10 drownings on the island of children that were left unattended for a small amount of time resulting in an accident. Those numbers do not include the children that fell into a pool and have severe disabilities from almost drowning. In virtually every situation the parent or grandparent says "the child was just here next to me". This is probably a true statement however children move quickly and certainly do not sit still long. Pool safety is not something to take lightly. Preventative solutions include pool safety fences, pool safety net and pool safety covers. Most people purchase one, some people will get a pool safety net and pool safety fence (depending on the pool and the financial committment needed). Certainly each product has it's respective benefits but it is very important to take notice that the most common and most respected is the removable pool safety fence because it provides a larger vertical barrier keeping the kids away from the pool and thus conditioning them to not be tempted to get in the pool due to the obstruction. Pool safety starts with keeping "attractions" out of the pool. Beach balls, inflatable toys, and anything that may attract a child to the pool other than the water itself is defined as an attraction. All of these items should be placed outside the fence so as to keep the children from being tempted from trying to get over or around the fence to get to those objects. If you elect to got with a self closing gate (American Academy of Pediatrics recommends this) then make sure that the baby gate has a proven track record of solid construction. Many gates for pool fence are made out of double poles that are dependent on the tension of the fence and over a year or two the fatigue begins to make the gate go out of alignment. If the gate is out of alignment it will not shut properly. This could become a safety hazard so make sure that you check your gate for opening and closing obstructions and or problems each time you place you fence in the ground for usage. Whatever type of product you choose, make sure you use it because the product will not work if not put in place and put in place properly. Buying a new home certainly has enough associated stresses and if you have children and you are purchasing a home with a pool without any form of safety product to keep the children out of the pool then that can be an added layer of stress. While there are a tremendous amount of products you can use ranging from door alarms to pool alarms it is important that a product be used that actually provides security around the pool before a child is in the water. Pool alarms simply alert you to the fact that a child has fallen into the pool after the fact. A door alarm will simply alert you that a child is going into the back yard. A pool safety fence keeps the child out of the pool because it creates a physical barrier. Multiple layers of protection certainly is the best policy or guideline but for sure if you ahve to pick one product that makes the most sense then we recommend a removable pool safety fence.
Pool safety fence is the most sought after solution in Puerto Rico for the protection of children from drowning. The benefits of a pool fence are that the pool itself is surrounded by a barrier. Pool fence typically comes in four feet tall or five feet tall options. The most commonly used is four feet (this is the height recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics). The pool fence is installed using a core drill. A core drill is a drill that has water pumped through it so that it cuts a clean hole intot he surface of the pool deck. A pool fence sleeve is then inserted into the pool decking (the hole that was cut with the core drill) and then the fence is inserted. The fence is attached together using latches. It is very important to look and ask about the type of latches that are used when looking for a pool safety fence installer because some latches are nickel plated while others are brass. The best product for this type of security is a stainless steel latch. The weather will simply fatigue anything else. Brass will last but the finish will become rather ugly over a period of time. Stainless steel latches remain very aesthetically pleasing over time. You should attempt to purchase a self closing, self latching lockable gate with your new pool safety fence. Again, this is what the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends because opening and closing the fence will eventually lead to a situation where the fence gets left open due to someone having their hands full, being on the phone or the pool person not closing it back. A self closing gate will eliminate that problem. Some companies claim that they have an "unclimbable gate". If you really want to investigate that,we suggest looking on YouTube and google "non-climbable pool gates". There is a customer of one of the companies that has shown a video that the gate can be climbed...quite easily. The key factors you should seek when looking for a pool safety fence is the material, warranty and certainly the reputation of the company installing the fence. The pool fence should have a lifetime warranty, the poles should be made of marine grade aluminum and all components should be stainless steel. Watch out for outrageous claims like unclimbable gates because they are simply just a marketing ploy used and there is proof posted on the internet. Be safe and make sure your pool is guarded!. As the lending landscape changes, so do the requirements for purchasing and refinancing a home using FHA. Inspections and appraisals are the standard but now the mandate is pool safety before closing. That's right, you need an approved pool safety product prior to closing. The most convenient product to use is a pool safety fence or commonly referred to as a pool fence. This product allows you to take the fence out of the ground and roll it up and store it when you have an adult party in your back yard and need that additional space. When you have a party for the children or if you have grandchildren, it certainly makes sense to have a pool fence for safety purposes. This product comes in many different colors. The recommended height is four feet as this is the national standard. An optional product (but is certainly the standard) is the self latching, self closing and lockable pool gate or baby gate. If you need your fence installed fast with a lifetime warranty and professional service, contact Pool Guard of Puerto Rico.
Pool covers continue to become a more and more requested product in Puerto Rico and this is attributed to the iguana population. Obviously iguanas are not indigenous of Puerto Rico. If you ask the local residents they will quickly explain that the iguana poplulation was rocketed by the trend of everyone owning one in the 1990's and then when they become bored with the reptile, they simply set it free in the back yard or somewhere else. An iguana can live in the wild for 20 years and reach a weight of 6 feet 6 inches and weigh 11 lbs. This modern version of a dinosaur (excluding the carnivore portion) has been invading back yards in Puerto Rico and the invasion continues to increase by the day as they reproduce and get more aggressive seeking a water source...such as a swimming pool. The problem is that iguanas are actually quite dirty creatures. They relieve themselves in the water, on the pool deck etc. (just as any wild creature does). The feces can actually be quite smelly, quite large and of course disgusting. Certainly a dog that is in the area may actually consume the feces and then will get a intestinal infection (this is a real situation that has happened to several clients on the island). The ironic part is that if you cut off their water source (the pool), the poplulation and the problems associated with them lessen immediately simply because they have no water source. How do you cut off that water source i.e. the swimming pool? A pool safety cover has proven to be quite effective in the battle against iguanas. The best answer is probably the solid cover because if the iguanas elect to excrete or relieve themselves onthe cover, the solid cover does not let any of the byproduct through. A mesh cover will be effective but not as effective. If you are having problems with iguanas we suggest that you contact pool guard of puerto rico td
Pool Safety Fence ProfessionalsOver 8 years in the pool safety industry (we do not build pools, clean pools or anything else) we know the right product for you. Call Pool Guard of Puerto Rico Archives
February 2017