contact pool guard of puerto rico for all of your pool fence and pool cover needs. Estimates are free.
As the economy continues to tighten in Puerto Rico pool safety continues to be a paramount concernfor homeowners. Pool safety covers provide a securing for homes when folks decide to move off the island amd want their pool secured for liability purposes as well as cost minimization of constant maintenance.
contact pool guard of puerto rico for all of your pool fence and pool cover needs. Estimates are free.
Dorado Puerto Rico has a very high concentration of pools and by some measures more pools than most other municipalities in Puerto Rico due to the amount of medical and pharmaceutical industry with the compounding aspect of most of the homes are primary residences. This vast amount of pools acts as a catalyst for iguanas to feel entitled to being allowed to swim in the pools. These local island pests create a vast amount of problems ranging from excretion on the pool deck or in the pool to drowning in the pool and creating a problem for the homeowner to remove the iguana carcass from the pool. Pool safety is of course paramount however the second best reason to have a pool safety cover is simply to keep the iguanas out of your backyard relaxation space. Pool covers come in various colors and have spring anchors that hold them in place. The springs for your cover should be stainless steel and the anchors should be brass. Ask plenty of questions about the pool cover warranty prior to the purchase of the cover.
There seems to be several reasons for people wanting to cover their pools here
in Puerto Rico other than just the mere safety of having the pool secured. Often people that have a property with a swimming pool in Puerto Rico cover their pool because they are going to be gone for an extended amount of time from their property and not only want it secure from children but from the debris that the vast amount of vegetation generate given we are on an island. Certainly the third and most paramount irritant in owning a pool in Puerto Rico is the amount of Iguanas. These pesky reptiles continue to grow in population and have now reached epidemic levels as they continue to damage crops, disrupt planes landing at all the local airports and use residential pools as their personal swimming holes. A pool safety cover prohibits them from having their leisurely day in the sun at your pool while you are at work during the day. How? Very simple. The horizontal barrier does not allow them to get to the pool and thus eliminates your pool as a source of drinking and swimming source for these reptiles. Pool safety covers come in an assortment of colors and materials so that you can have a selection of what you feel is best needed for your specific pool. Certainly not all covers are built the same and that is why we recommend you to contact your local pool cover installer and review the benefits of the manufacturer and their respective material. The warranty will range depending on the manufacturer and the product so make sure that the product that you select can be referenced back to the website of the company and that you get your warranty registration papers when you have your cover installed. As the "winter months" ascend upon us here in the of Puerto Rico the increased in recognition for pool safety covers becomes more pronounced. The electricity costs of living on an island (particularly this one) can really limit the use of a pool heat pump resulting in the need for pool owners to close their pools for the "winter". Pool safety covers come in an assortment of colors, materials and with a variety of warranty offerings. Some companies offer 15 year warranties but you must be aware that the fine print on the warranty usually says that it is the first year full warranty and then the other 14 are pro rated. A strong warranty in the industry consists of a 12-15 year warranty. The best in the industry will offer a full warranty on the first two to three years. ASK before you purchase so you know what you are purchasing. The materials come in two different types. The first is a mesh that is very simiiliar to trampoline material. This will or is offered in a residential grade and a commercial grade. The second type of material that is offered is a solid type material that does not allow any light or debris through. It will/should have a drain hatch in the center to eliminate pooling on top of the pool (this is obviously not safe). The range of cost on a pool safety cover can be $800 to $2,200 depending on the size of the pool, the materials used and last but certainly not least the number of obstacles in the pool (ladders, water falls, slides, diving boards/rocks etc.). The last and most important aspect is the installers experience. Ask to see photos of local jobs. A good number of installs would be about 30. This is an installer that really knows what they are doing and has expereienced most everything resulting in a good source to purchase your pool cover for in Puerto Rico.
Living on an island has a long list of benefits however some of the benefits bring along a little bit of work. Keeping a pool open year round is a nice benefit unless of course you have a severe leaf or iguana problems. This was the case with our most recent client that was so tired of dealing with iguanas leaving "gifts" in his pool and on his pool deck he elected to have a pool cover installed so as to act as shield to keep the leaves and more importantly the iguanas. I got a call from this customer (he has had his pool cover on his pool now for three weeks) and he wanted to thank me for making his life that much easier in regards to keeping the pool clean. He purchased a pool safety cover that is solid with a drain hatch in the center for the water to get through and now all he has to do is spray the "iguana gifts" off the cover as well as the leaves. A side benefit that he has noticed was that the water evaporation has been much lower. Call pool guard of puerto rico today for your free custom cover estimate.
"My kids are all grown up so I am not so concerned about my kids in the pool as I am with the neighbor's kids and the leaves in my pool, what is my best option?" We have these conversations on a regular basis regarding pool safety and even keeping pools clean. The best solution for something like this is a manual pool cover. This type of product is both safe and comes with an industry leading warranty. The material used is very similiar to a trampoline. This material allows water to pass through the mesh but does not allow the dirt, leaves and debris to pass through keeping your pool cleaner and believe it or not, conserving water and chemicals all at once! Call Pool Guard of Puerto Rico today for your free estimate.
Pool safety should always be on the minds of pool owners or potential pool owners. The interesting aspect that has come to light here in Puerto Rico recently is the number of homes that are owned by the banks and no very little security to keep people out of the pool. Now certainly the style of neigbhorhoods in Puerto Rico have walls around them in most cases but not always are locked in 400 different ways. The challenge that becomes obvious when viewing one of these properties is that if you have a child and you are viewing the property with a broker, that child could easily fall into a pool that is either VERY nasty or has no water at all which can have just as bad of results. Certainly having some form of security on your pool or around your pool is recommended whether it is a pool fence, a pool net, pool cover or even an automatic pool cover...keep your pool safe and pool responsibly.
Pool Safety Fence ProfessionalsOver 8 years in the pool safety industry (we do not build pools, clean pools or anything else) we know the right product for you. Call Pool Guard of Puerto Rico Archives
February 2017