Every year in Puerto Rico there are at least 5-10 drownings on the island of children that were left unattended for a small amount of time resulting in an accident. Those numbers do not include the children that fell into a pool and have severe disabilities from almost drowning. In virtually every situation the parent or grandparent says "the child was just here next to me". This is probably a true statement however children move quickly and certainly do not sit still long. Pool safety is not something to take lightly. Preventative solutions include pool safety fences, pool safety net and pool safety covers. Most people purchase one, some people will get a pool safety net and pool safety fence (depending on the pool and the financial committment needed). Certainly each product has it's respective benefits but it is very important to take notice that the most common and most respected is the removable pool safety fence because it provides a larger vertical barrier keeping the kids away from the pool and thus conditioning them to not be tempted to get in the pool due to the obstruction. Pool safety starts with keeping "attractions" out of the pool. Beach balls, inflatable toys, and anything that may attract a child to the pool other than the water itself is defined as an attraction. All of these items should be placed outside the fence so as to keep the children from being tempted from trying to get over or around the fence to get to those objects. If you elect to got with a self closing gate (American Academy of Pediatrics recommends this) then make sure that the baby gate has a proven track record of solid construction. Many gates for pool fence are made out of double poles that are dependent on the tension of the fence and over a year or two the fatigue begins to make the gate go out of alignment. If the gate is out of alignment it will not shut properly. This could become a safety hazard so make sure that you check your gate for opening and closing obstructions and or problems each time you place you fence in the ground for usage. Whatever type of product you choose, make sure you use it because the product will not work if not put in place and put in place properly.
Pool Guard of Puerto Rico is pleased to announce that we have several different colors of pool safety net to choose from. Pool safety nets usually are only offered in blue. Pool Guard now offers beige, brown, black and blue. The products are all made in the USA and all components come with a limited warranty so that you know the products you are purchasing are backed by a company that has been around and will be around. Call Pool Guard of Puerto Rico today for your free estimate. It's time to make your pool safe!
A pool should have some form of protection to keep a child from drowning. Pool Fences are usually the first line of defence however in Puerto Rico pool safety nets or pool nets (mallas) are fastly winning popularity because they provide a solid form of protection but more importantly there is no obstruction of the view of the pool or the beach that the house may have. The question is asked at least once a week as to which would work better for a specific pool a pool net or a pool fence. The answer depends mostly on what the ages are of the children that we are trying to keep out of the pool. A pool net tends to be targeted at a child or children that are over the age of 5 years old. The cognitive development of a child for understanding when a pool net is on the pool really does not start until about four years old. This fact alone is the main reason that a pool fence should be used on pools for protection on children under the age of 5. Certainly the pool safety nets come in a variety of colors (blue, beige, black and terracotta) however most choose the standard color of blue as the pool is usually blue.
Pool Safety Fence ProfessionalsOver 8 years in the pool safety industry (we do not build pools, clean pools or anything else) we know the right product for you. Call Pool Guard of Puerto Rico Archives
February 2017